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While gambling is a fun and social experience that can often be enjoyed alone or with friends, it can become a problem when it becomes a regular habit. Increasing the amount of time you spend gambling can increase the stress in your life. Understanding why you gamble can help you make changes to your behaviour. There are several organisations offering support for gambling problems. Some offer counselling, while others offer help to family members of those suffering from the problem.

Problem gambling

Problem gambling is a dangerous disorder that can lead to financial ruin, legal issues, family problems, and even suicide. The symptoms of problem gambling vary greatly depending on the individual. Some people may not even realize they have a problem. Luckily, help is available. Problem gambling is classified as an addiction by the American Psychiatric Association.

The DSM-IV has improved diagnostic criteria for problem gambling. The revised criteria have reduced misclassifications and improved confidence in prevalence estimates. However, several unresolved questions remain, including how to define the thresholds for different subtypes of gamblers. Another issue that remains unresolved is the weighting of scale items to differentiate between less severe indicators. For example, some criteria are unweighted, and others are not at all.


Costs of gambling affect society in various ways. Often, the social costs of gambling are not quantified. They are often hard to assess and vary across time, places and types of gambling. The costs of problem gambling may also be difficult to measure because they are intangible. Nevertheless, the effects of gambling can be seen on a personal level, as well as on a social level.

To measure these costs, researchers have estimated the social cost of problem gambling. The cost per person who has a gambling problem is approximately EUR 4000. The costs per person are higher than the costs for nonproblem gambling. The costs are much higher than the revenue generated by gambling. The costs are more than twice as large as gambling tax revenue.


If you enjoy gambling, you may be wondering whether taxes on gambling are deductible. If you itemize your deductions, you can deduct your winnings and losses. However, you can only deduct losses to the extent of your overall gambling winnings. It is important to report both your wins and losses separately.

Gambling winnings can include both cash prizes and non-cash prizes. The tax on cash prizes is usually 25%. Non-cash prizes, such as prize money, are taxed at a much lower rate. Depending on the state you live in, you may have to pay more tax.